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If you’re serious about meeting someone special, take a page from Sir Richard Branson’s playbook and just say, Yes!

Visionary, entrepreneur, and business mogul, Richard Branson attributes much of his success to keeping an open and optimistic mindset when presented with new possibilities and ventures.

Irene LaCota, an executive of It’s Just Lunch, believes Branson’s wisdom applies to the dating scene, too. “If I was asked to give one tip to singles who are trying to meet someone special, I would tell them this, ‘Say Yes to things you don’t normally do.’”

And what, exactly, should you say Yes to? Probably, more than you think! Read on to learn why.

Say Yes Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
It’s 7:00 pm on a Friday evening. You’re utterly wiped from a long commute and even longer week. Tonight, it’s time to decompress. Throw on some sweats, order pizza, and relax with a glass of red.


Then you get a text, “Steve invited me to a party. Tons of people will be there but I don’t know anyone except him. Come with me, PLEASE!”

And even though you’re exhausted and you’re already in your pajamas and you have absolutely no interest in mixing it up with a bunch of random strangers—say, Yes anyway.

LaCota asserts, “Say Yes to things you normally wouldn’t say Yes to. Say Yes when someone invites you to a party where you know no one. Say Yes when someone calls you to go out just as you put on your pjs and were settling in for a Netflix marathon.”

Say Yes even when you don’t feel like it because you never know who you might meet at the party!

Say Yes Even When it Scares You.
Ken was a successful engineer and although he enjoyed his career, he felt that something was missing. He began to look for ways to find more purpose and meaning in his life.

“I decided to volunteer at an after school program. I started tutoring math and science to kids who struggled with these subjects.”

As Ken became more involved in his volunteer work at the community center, a full-time position opened up and the directors asked him if he’d consider applying for the job.

“It was an enormous pay cut, obviously. And everything about the idea scared me—making less money, leaving engineering, and working with kids all day. Tutoring children a couple hours a week is completely different than managing little ones full time!”

But Ken pushed past his fears, took the job, and found what was “missing” in his life.

Oh, and he also met his wife.

“If I hadn’t accepted the position, it’s unlikely I would have ever met Janine since she works at our headquarters downtown and only visits our branch infrequently during hours when I wasn’t tutoring. So, I’m obviously really glad I took the risk for many reasons!”

Say Yes even when it scares you because you never know who’s waiting for you just outside your comfort zone!

Say Yes Even If They Aren’t Your “Type”
Casey was a self-professed “urbanista.” She loved the energy and vibe of city living and preferred the convenience of public transportation—she didn’t own a car and saw no need for one.

When she signed up with a matchmaking service, she wasn’t prepared to date someone she considered “geographically challenged.”

When Casey’s matchmaker set her up with Paul, she liked him right away. But as soon as she learned he was from the suburbs, she immediately wrote him off. She intended to scoot away after the first drink—she had a birthday party to go to anyway.

But, he was super nice and super smart and super cute. So, she said Yes to another drink and then another.

And then she said Yes to a second date.

A year later, Casey said Yes to Paul’s proposal. She’s now super happy with her super suburbanite husband.

“We had this magical first date but I was just locked into the idea that I had to be with a guy who lived in the city. I was so closed minded—I almost didn’t agree to a second date. I’m so glad I said, ‘Yes’ to dating Paul and ‘Yes’ to suburban living. As long as I’m with Paul, I’m happy living anywhere!”

Say Yes to dating someone who you think isn’t your type—you just might surprise yourself!

Saying Yes can make all the difference. As LaCota puts it, “The end result of saying Yes is, it takes you out of your comfort zone, makes you feel more alive, and increases your confidence. Plus, it expands your circle of friends and potential dates!”

Take a tip from Sir Richard Branson and be inspired by the true stories above.

Say Yes!

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